Episode #8: Amaranth Foods - Ken Klatt (Loyal Customers, Building Culture and Creating a Labor of Love)

Trained as accountant, Ken Klatt (pictured here with son Brandon) combined his interests in healthy eating, the environment and business into what is today known as Amaranth Foods. 

It was the early 90's and Ken Klatt  had just launched his first business as he approached middle age.

Not exactly the traditional career path for a would be entrepreneur.

From the early beginnings of large amounts of debt and an uncertain future, Amaranth has grown into a true labor of love for Ken- and as "retirement" approaches - it has become more of nagging feeling of giving up something he loves, rather than counting the days until he doesn't have to show up to work anymore.

A widely successful organic/health food store with 5 locations throughout Alberta, Amaranth Foods has grown to become one of Alberta's premier organic/health food stores.

We talked about a bunch of things in this episode, including the importance of loyal customers, building culture and creating a labor of love.

It was a great episode and I hope you enjoy the show!

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